Friday, 13 April 2012

#6: Final reflections

One of the many things that this course has helped me greatly with is my confidence in presentations.  I have always had a fear of public speaking, and over the course of 13 weeks, this fear has decreased.

I think that the reasons for this change boils down to the class setting.  From day 1, Brad had introduced the goal of the module and set the tone of the class right. I knew that I was in an environment where I could learn, make mistakes, and not be embarrassed by it. 

In addition, most of the classes were discussion based. Initially, I found it difficult to voice my opinions in class as I usually have problems articulating my thoughts, or that others would judge me based on what I said. However, as I got used to the style of the lessons, I gradually opened up and was more confident to share my ideas in class.

Having the opportunity to present and watch others present helped me to be more self aware of things to look out for during a presentation. Things like eye contact, stance, filler words were repeated so many times that I would keep these things in mind as I prepared for presentations.  Not being able to use notes was intimidating as first, but I now know that this is possible, and the benefits of it.  Having the opportunity to go through the job interview process was another valuable experience as I realised the need to be self aware and confident in myself and my abilities.

My research team helped me greatly too.  We met up many times to talk through the project discussion, mock and real presentations.  We would give each other suggestions and feedback, and affirm each other’s strengths.

I am glad to say that I am more confident in myself now, especially when giving presentations.  Practice and internalising the content that you are presenting definitely helps!

Thank you Brad and all my lovely classmates for this semester together! Thank you for the reminder through the Bolshoi video that we should never give up on our dreams and passion just because things may get difficult. I wish that for all of us too. Have the courage and determination to follow your heart.


  1. Hi Priscilla,

    Firstly, congrats on completing another semester. The workload for this module has been quite heavy and I wonder if it just ES2007S or if all 100% CA modules like this.

    I too found the open discussion environment for this module very welcoming and it was comfortable for me to open up and voice my thoughts.

    I think everyone in class came with some expectations of self improvement when they signed up for this class and I personally feel that I definitely benefited from this class. Judging from your post, I think you feel the same way too.

    I wish you all the best for your post-graduate studies at duke NUS medical school and all your future endeavors.

    Zhi Qin

    1. Hi Zhi Qin,
      Thanks! I found the workload quite heavy too, mainly due to the project. It must have been harder for all the year 4s who were writing their thesis, so good job (:

      Thanks for your well wishes!! I wish you all the best too. It must be a very exciting time for you (: congrats on your graduation (:


  2. Hi Priscilla,

    I can relate to your feelings about speaking up. Likewise, I did have the same thoughts on whether people would judge me when I speak up, but I decided to put that aside (I wrote that in my blog post). It is heartening that all of us have learned and gained something after taking this module. And I hope that all of us will continue to improve our communication skills and that we never stop learning.

    You mentioned that you are more confident, especially in giving presentations and I think it shows. During your oral presentation, there were positive differences from your peer teaching. You were more cool, calm, collected and had good control of your content during the oral presentation. I'm happy for you, Priscilla! :)

    Just wanna say that it has been a blessing knowing you through this module. Let's keep in touch! :)

    1. Hi Carol

      I'm glad that through this module, we found the extra courage to speak up! Thank you for your positive feedback too.

      It has been great knowing you too though we didn't really get to work much together (: I'm sure i'll see you around school next year! (: all the best for the exams!

  3. Hi Priscilla,

    Speaking up in class was definitely made easier by the easy atmosphere of the class. I noticed you were more ready to share your opinions as the semester progressed which showed your growth in that area.

    I think many of us have grown as well throughout this module, whether in the area of interviews, presentations or just speaking up in class. The constant practice and reviewing allowed us to become more aware of our own strengths and weaknesses. In that respect, we were constantly communicating professionally especially in our research teams. We would be seeking and offering our opinions to ensure that we worked on our problem areas and on the proposal itself.

    I'm glad that you've grown so much and that we all seem to have done so too.

    All the best in pursuing your passion!

    Jie Ying

    1. Hi Jie Ying

      Thanks! (: Glad we got to work together on the project. Looking back, I guess we all have gained much throughout the semester and it was something that I did imagine would happen.

      I wish you all the best too! Especially for next year as we finish up with school, and figure out our next step. Follow your passion too (:

  4. Hi Priscilla,

    I can still remember I interacted with you in class and that was during a class activity - "asking different form of questions". I can see a vast improvement in the way you communicate and present your self at the end of the course compared to then.

    Also, I really liked the way you present. It's very easy to follow. I don't need extra effort to tell myself to stay focus. I think that's your strength. I hope you will continue your style of delivery. I think as long as you overcome the "shy/embarrass" stage, you will be an awesome presenter :D

    Lastly, I was kidding that you are fierce. I think you are quite an amicable person. Don't take it to heart k ? Take good care! Cheers!

    1. Hi Yi Qun,

      Thank you for the positive feedback and encouragement! It means alot. Anyway, I remember that session too! It is cringe worthy in my opinion. I don't think I knew what I was doing that day. Haha. I hope I am able to ask better questions and give better feedback now (:

      All the best to you and all that you do! See you around school next year!

  5. This is a touching final post, Priscilla. I like the way you zoom right in on a key challenge that you have, confidence (the lack thereof). You then tell the story of your "opening," gaining more confidence through the various assignments and exercises. It strikes me as pertinent because I watched this unfold. I remember at first being a bit startled by what I took as your shyness. But lesson by lesson, week by week, we al heard more from you, and the eye contact became more and more direct. Then at some point, maybe during the mock interviews, I remember that you were explaining something, looking at me directly, and I thought to myself: Priscilla, so nice to hear such bold comments/insights from you!

    That realization reached a high point for me as you blazed through the final OP, giving what I thought was one of the best individual presentations of any student in both of my sections. Wow! I thought again. Priscilla has really done it!

    Do you know how great such a feeling is for a teacher? Of course not---so let me tell you, Ms. P. This is what drives me, what impassions me about the classroom, so that I have an opportunity to share in this sort of discovery, coming out, development, or whatever it's called. To see potential realized.

    You've done a great job this term; it's been a true pleasure working with you. Like you say in the statement invoking the video of the girl from Texas studying at the Bolshoi: Have the courage and determination to follow your heart.

    1. Hi Brad,

      Thank you for the comment and positive feedback. I am really glad that I had the opportunity to work with you and learn from you and others in the class. I guess I was pretty shy at the beginning but I'm usually like that with strangers.. I'm glad I managed to get over that initial stage to participate more in class.

      May you keep doing what you are doing with students in NUS or anywhere else that you may go. Thank you once again! See you around school (:

  6. Hi Pris,

    Thanks for being a great peer teaching partner and classmate! Your high level of calmness and poise during presentations was something that I really admired (although you say that you are nervous at times =P). Plus, you have a clear and strong voice projection that leads the audience in.

    I agree with you, it was the relaxed atmosphere in our class that allowed all of us to make mistakes and to learn from each other. I have certainly valued the enthusiasm and sincere interest to improve that was exhibited by everyone throughout the semester. I am sure you will keep improving you communication skills. All the best in your future endeavours! =)

  7. Hi Priya,

    I was really nervous! Think I just acted calm and it somehow worked haha. Thanks for your encouragement. You too all the best (:

  8. Dear Priscilla,

    Congratulations, your efforts really paid off! I always felt that you were poised and confident during your presentations, despite your nervousness underneath. The Bolshoi video inspired me as well, that to pursue my dreams require sacrifices, and if my passion is great enough, it will enable me to pull through the most difficult times. As a fellow life sciences student, I wish you all the best in pursing your dreams in biomedical research. Good luck and see you around in science too!

